The “Socialism or Barbarism” movement No 96, 2019/2 - 190 pagesTo begin withTo begin withBy Claire PagèsCorpusCastoriadis before Castoriadis? Organization, reality and creationBy Nicolas PiquéOvercoming or accepting social division: Castoriadis, Lefort and the Hungarian RevolutionBy Nicolas PoirierClaude Lefort: An intruder in Socialisme ou Barbarie?By Antoine CholletPhilosophy as Interpretation of the Present: Claude Lefort and the “Socialisme ou barbarie” YearsBy Yaël GambarottoSartre vs. Lefort: The meaning of proletarian experienceBy Alexandre FeronWordsAn interview with Vincent DescombesBy Claire PagèsVicinityThe adventures of activist inquiryBy Davide Gallo Lassere, Frédéric MonferrandClaude Lefort, reader of Merleau-Ponty: From “the proletarian experience” to the “flesh of the social”By Claire DodemanSymbolic politics and expression. “The proletarian experience” between Merleau-Ponty and post-MarxismBy Conall CashSome remarks on a comparison between the Frankfurt School and “Socialism or Barbarism”By Claire PagèsResearch residencyThe Europe of fundamental rights put to the test of its States’ “limes”By Michele SaporitiMedicine, science, technologyFrom century to century: Diet at any cost? A glance at a few mentions of diet in the history of medical practicesBy Gilles BarrouxReadingsReading of Hilan Bensusan’s book Lines of future animismBy Filipe Ceppas